To Schedule an appointment call 719-445-9902

We request a referral from your primary care providers to be scheduled as new patients. 

​Please ensure you bring CDs or hard copy of any MRI imaging to your first appt.

Insurances accepted
BCBS: Indemnity, PPO, Blue Priority PPO, HMO, HMO select, Blue Priority HMO, Pathway and Pathway X, FEP (Federal Employee Product, CU plan exclusive*)
Friday Health plan: Commercial, Medicare
Humana: (Choice-Care Network, HMO Select, HMO Premier, NPOS, Advantage Network)
Kaiser* (All products including Select)
United: Commercial: HMO and Medicare. Secure Horizons*

Best Health Plans

These contracts are subject to change. Please call our office to confirm whether or not we take your insurance. 

* indicates requirement for referral by the insurance company. 

New Patients